Kandawgi Park
Length 4.5 Km
People's Park
Length 0.7 Km
Fresh airy and even ground. Very good and safe to walk because a lot of people π.
αα―αααΉα αα°αααΊ αα±α·αα»αα·αΊαα±αΈ αα½ααΊαΈ
Length 1.3 Km
α‘.α.α (α) ααα―ααΊααα±α¬ααΊ
Length 1.0 Km
People's Park
Length 0.9 Km
People's Park
Length 0.7 Km
People's Park
Length 0.7 Km Β· Elev 0.0 ft
Fresh airy and even ground. Very good and safe to walk because a lot of people π.
Length 0.8 Km
αα¬ααΉα±ααΎαααα―ααΉααα―ααΉαΈ αααααΈααΆαα¬αΈ
Length 0.2 Km
Recreation Centre
Length 5.4 Km
αα―αααΊαΉααα¬ αααΊαΈααΌαΆ
Length 3.5 Km
Hotel Shwe Eain Taw
Length 3.1 Km
ααααΊαΉαα―ααΉαα α₯αα»α¬ααΊαα±α¬αΊ
Length 0.8 Km
News aye Pagoda compound
Length 6.1 Km
Kandawgyi Lake Garden-Yangon
Length 17.2 Km
Lanmadaw-People's Park
Length 10.6 Km
Get up 0430 AM and starts from Lanmadaw Batminton Stadium through a way to get the people's park.
π People's Park
Pyay Rd
09 45416 4143
And run a round on people's park and enters from southern entrance to run around in the people's park. After that make a run way to Lanmadaw Batminton Stadium. Better to run early morning due to lesser traffic and fresh air. Be a happy run, guys.
Route near Hlaing Township
Length 8.0 Km
Pyin Thu Yin Pyin Park
Length 7.9 Km
Length 23.7 Km
Kandawgyi Lake, Yangon
Length 13.5 Km