Victoria Park Boardwalk
Length 1.3 Km
Waterview Estates Extension
Length 0.3 Km
The gravel trail is located across from Hermitage Creek Trail off North River Road. The trail proceeds behind Waterview Estates Apartments.
Hillsborough Park Path
Length 0.8 Km
This asphalt path connects to Hillsborough River Path and runs along Murchison Lane and turns left and runs along Patterson Drive, ending at Pioneer Avenue.
Riverview Estates Connector Path
Length 1.0 Km
This asphalt path connects to the Hillsborough Park Path and runs along Prom Acadian Drive and ends at Mariner Drive.
Hillsborough River Path
Length 1.2 Km
This asphalt path begins at the corner of Riverside Drive and Murchison Lane, and runs along the Hillsborough River, ending at Hillsborough Hospital.
Boardwalk to Joe Ghiz Park Connector
Length 0.6 Km
A portion of the trail is a gravel pathway, which starts at the Friendly Pharmacy and proceeds to Grafton Street & Riverside Drive intersection. The remaining section will be sidewalk which will continue to Joe Ghiz Park.
Andrews Pond Nature Trail
Length 0.3 Km
You enter these natural trails off Elena Court or Herbert Street, which proceed around Andrews Pond.
Confederation Trail-Riverside Path Connector
Length 0.2 Km
This asphalt path connector starts at Fitzroy Street entrance to Joe Ghiz Park and runs to Park Street which connects to the sidewalk and then to Riverside Drive Path.
Queen Elizabeth Park Trail
Length 0.9 Km
Confederation Trail
Length 0.0 Km
Victoria Row
Length 0.2 Km
Riverside Trails
Length 0.6 Km
Ellen's Creek Sidewalk Connector
Length 0.3 Km