S00b Lunecco - Bivio S00 (vicinanze Drignago)
Length 1.8 Km
From Lunecco (SP 75 Val Cannobina) go up in the direction of Slina. At an altitude of about 510/520 m turn right in the direction of Cavaglio. Nearby of Drignago you cross the S00 route.
S01d Ponte Spoccia - Falmenta
Length 1.8 Km
At Ponte Spoccia, on the Provincial Road 75 of the Valle Cannobina, go down for about 400 m until the crossroads for Solgia, pass through the hamlet of Solgia and la Valle to reach Falmenta.
S08a Monti Biessen - Bivio S06 Alpe Scesel
Length 1.7 Km
Halfway connection between the S08 route at Monti Biessen and the S06 route near the Alpe Scesel which go up at west of Sant'Agata.
S01b Ponte Falmenta - Crealla
Length 0.9 Km
From Ponte Falmenta (SP 75 Val Cannobina) you go down to the bridge over Cannobino torrent; few steps for the bridges over torrents Falmenta and Crealla and after the ascent of the "Rizzada",a famous mule track with 1500 steps,you reach Crealla.
S10b Spoccia bivio S12 - Catta Margugna
Length 3.1 Km
From Spoccia to Catta Margugna, a complex route with long sections on very exposed slopes, section on ledge with the presence of chains, steep sections difficult with holes and stones between shrubs and rhododendrons.
S10e Gurrone - Bivio S10 a La Piazza
Length 1.0 Km
Connection route between Gurrone and the S10 route near La Piazza between Cavaglio and Monti Olzeno.
S01c Ponte Falmenta - Falmenta
Length 2.1 Km
Monte Gridone, Cresta SE
Length 4.8 Km
Length 0.6 Km