Onondaga Lake Park
Length 0.5 Km

Lakeland Trails via Onondaga Lake Park.
Length 4.8 Km
An alternative to Onondaga Lake Park’s popular West Shore Trail, you get off the beaten path and see more of Lakeland. There is traffic noise from the interstate, but lots of pretty natural sights, a pond, a lake, cattails, woods, birds and other wildlife. Experience walking over a 6 lane highway via 2 pedestrian bridges. On the west side of I690 there are few people on the lightly used trails of Lakeland. Its more of a natural setting, used mainly by locals.
The trail surfaces on this walk vary, including blacktop, gravel, grass and dirt. Bike friendly.

Solitude on “Lakeland Trail” via Beach Rd Lakeland
Length 2.2 Km
The Lakeland Trail is a great place to find solitude. It is lightly traveled, natural surfaced trail in a wooded area near I690 and Onondaga Lake in Lakeland NY. There is a small creek that runs alongside the trail, making it a haven for wildlife.
From State Fair Blvd in Lakeland take Beach Rd (near the fire staton) to the end at Iona Place, where it T’s at the RR tracks. There is parking available for one vehicle here, or you can park on the street of this quiet neighborhood.
The trail head starts after walking over the RR tracks and passing through a gate. Approx 50 feet in from the RR tracks turn LEFT. (Right here at the trailhead there are many birds to watch and listen to as they joyfully sing their songs. If you forgot your binoculars in the car, now is the time to go back and get them. Plenty of squirrels, chipmunks and deer along the way. Keep your eyes open for the deer.)
As you start down the trail and go under the tree that crosses above the trail, there is a wet area where the water crosses the trail. Watch your step.
You will walk under the overpass of 690 then at the fork, stay to the left. At the end you T into Onondaga Lake.
On the lake I saw many ducks and other various water fowl. To my amazement I also saw two gorgeous white swans! Bring your binoculars and camera. Enjoy!
Great trail for solitude.

To Lakeview Amphitheater in Solvay from Lakeland
Length 3.2 Km
A nice 1 mile walk from the I-690 footbridge on the corner of Pleasant Beach Rd/Alhan Pkwy in Lakeland to the Lakeview Amphitheater in Solvay.
At the trailhead (end of Pleasant Beach Rd, near the corner of Alhan Pkwy) there is a pull-off to park your car.
This route connects the Lakeland neighborhood to the West Shore Trail of the Onondaga Lake trail system. Great for walking, running, and dog walking. Also a great place to see bald eagles, song birds and various water fowl.
Stroller, wheelchair, dog and bike friendly, on this popular paved trail. The only section that isn’t paved is a short section coming off the footbridge down to the West Shore Trail, which is sandy gravel.
On concert days at the amphitheater there is a gate that gets closed so you cannot go beyond the Ninemile Creek bridge.
Very nice views of the lake.

Shoreline Walking Trail
Length 3.6 Km