Parco Maioni
Length 0.5 Km
Sentiero della Salute - Stazione 18a
Length 5.7 Km
R02 Verbania Intra bivio R30 Via Selasca - Arizzano - Albagnano - Premeno - Pizzo d'Omo
Length 9.6 Km
From Verbania Intra crossroads R30 Via Selasca through Pastura, Antoliva, Cresseglio, Cissano, Arizzano, Albagnano, then the holiday resorts Premeno and Pian di Sole, to climb to Pizzo d'Omo (m 1056) and finish at the crossroads of the path R02,R02A,R10.
Sentiero della Bergamina variante bassa
Length 0.2 Km
Via del Tiro a Segno
Length 0.2 Km
Lungolango Giovanni Palatucci
Length 0.4 Km
P00r - Raccordo pedemontano tra A00 e P00
Length 1.3 Km
R01b Bivio R01 sotto Motto di Unchio - Bivio R01 a Pian di Les (Giro del Motto di Unchio)
Length 1.4 Km
An easy path from Verbania Unchio, junction R01 under the mule-track of the ascent to Motto di Unchio, leads to Pian di Les where it meets again R01. Halfway through the recently restored Chapel of the Madonna of Fever.
P01v - Sentiero della Bergamina variante turistica
Length 0.9 Km
Variant to route P01c which avoids on the road an uncomfortable stretch of the path
R01a - Bivio R01 Cappella Madonna di Re - Bivio P00 in piazza a Santino
Length 0.9 Km
R01 Verbania Trobaso - Unchio - Motto di Unchio - Pian di Les - Cossogno
Length 5.3 Km
From Verbania Trobaso, Via al Cotonificio, you reach the cycle road on the left side of the San Bernardino river, go up to Unchio and the Oratory of Motto di Unchio, then through a peat bog and Pian di Les, you reach Cossogno (crossroads P00).
P01c - Sentiero della Bergamina
Length 1.8 Km
Mountain side path on the Monterosso that from Suna climbs to Cavandone among chestnut woods and with views over the Borromeo Gulf
Sentiero della Bergamina variante bassa
Length 0.3 Km
Short but steep connection to reach the Sentiero della Bergamina towards Cavandone
R06 Trobaso - Pian Nava
Length 5.6 Km
Verbania Trobaso, Possaccio, terracing west of Bureglio-Vignone, Cà di Müii, crossing of ancient paths, Sentiero delle Coppelle and rock engravings. From Vignone-swimming pool steep path up to Roncaccio (south M.Cimolo), then wide path up to Pian Nava.
Quiet walk
Length 4.9 Km
Il percorso è breve ma è molto tranquillo e semplice
P01a - raccordo tra P01 e P00
Length 1.0 Km
Short path along the hillside on the forested northern side of Monterosso that connects the path P01 with the path P00
A00 - Strada Romana tappa 3
Length 10.1 Km
A long walk in the woods and the hills between Lake Maggiore and Mergozzo on the historic Roman road that led to the Ossola and the Simplon Pass
P01 - Madonna di campagna - Monterosso - Cavandone
Length 5.7 Km
An easy walk on Monterosso, mountain overlooking Verbania. Roads and firebreaks facilitate the journey. A picnic area with views of Stresa and the Borromeo Gulf is a pleasant stopover to climb term
P00 - Madonna di Campagna - Santino - Rovegro- Cossogno- Cicogna - Pogallo
Length 20.1 Km
P01cv - Sentiero della Bergamina variante turistica
Length 4.1 Km