Williston Village Green
Length 5.4 Km
Gully Whumper
Length 0.4 Km
Rides like it sounds... down through a gully and back up, multiple times. Great fun to do over and over.
UVM Talcott Traverse
Length 0.5 Km
Trail is on the UVM Talcott Forest and connects to the Catamount shovelhead trail on one end and a golf course on the other. A number of routes head downhill off this trail into ravine along ridge spines.
Garden twist
Length 0.4 Km
Occasionally mowed double track for races
Fred and Ethel
Length 0.3 Km
Length 0.2 Km
Rooty single track offshoot from Sandman double track. Often used as part of weekly race series or just to add some spice to your ride.
Coyote Turnpike
Length 1.0 Km
At times steep and rocky single track to access the Indian Lookout area. Lower section of the trail formerly known as "ledges" with a new connector to the upper section.
Length 0.3 Km
Trail ascends into the woods with stair steps until it briefly intersects with the Shovel Head trail. That section is black diamond. The second descend only section is a double black tricky descent on rock steps
Trout Lily
Length 0.9 Km
Traversing single track to access Grind A-line below the rock face, and just above start of Clovers Rollers. Across Skidway ski trail, this trail continues but is presently over grown and needs to be reclaimed.
Dual Slalom Course
Length 0.2 Km
Dual Slalom course for bikes, berms and jumps. Venue for Thursday night weekly race series
Length 0.8 Km
Named for the Balsom Fir trees it starts in, then crosses power lines and re-enters woods through pines. Planned route connection to Pure Bliss.
Liquid Velvet
Length 0.3 Km
Smooth, flow, curves. as smooth as, well, Liquid Velvet
Bear Run
Length 0.7 Km
A MUST DO single track to top of Indian Lookout. Great climb or descent. A great option is to take Pops to the top of the "wall" and then descend "Off the Wall" which basically continues straight into Bear Run to climb up to the lookout
Clover's Rollers
Length 0.7 Km
Named after a few log rollers on the trail. After climbing Labyrinth, continue on this trail for a fun descent.
Length 0.3 Km
Named for the slice of watermellon given to the trail builder on a hot summer day. Trail traverses top of a rock wall.
Pure Bliss
Length 0.6 Km
Smooth, level, windy, flowy single track. Fun for beginners and experts alike.
The Elbow
Length 0.3 Km
Gravel single track used to access Balsoms single track and often as part of the weekly race start or finish section.
Length 0.6 Km
From the upper field, this trail starts with a rock garden before descending across the top of one of the dirt jumps and down off a few rock ledges with small drops. Lower section is mainly for descending.
Length 0.3 Km
Off the Wall
Length 0.5 Km
Access from Pop's trail just in the woods from the high point of the powerlines. Steep switchbacks best as a descent, but a very doable challenging ascent also. At the bottom of the trail continue straight onto Bear Run to climb up to Indian Lookout