Allegheny Hell
Length 16.3 Km
The path can be very difficult with all of the fallen trees, so you will have to veer off trail. There is tons of mud, EXTREMELY steep slopes, bugs and snakes, and overall it’s a very exhausting trek. Bring food and water. Use a compass if you get lost. The GPS tracking for Pacer is a must-have. THERE IS NO SERVICE OUT HERE. Please bring medical supplies in case you injure yourself, THERE IS NOBODY TO HELP YOU. Don’t do it in one day, come prepared, and be careful.

Length 0.6 Km

Land of Many Uses Interpretive Trail
Length 4.7 Km

Tracy Ridge Trail Connector D
Length 2.5 Km

Tracy Ridge Trail Loop C
Length 2.3 Km

Tracy Ridge Trail Loop B
Length 5.1 Km

Tracy Ridge Trail Connector A
Length 1.0 Km

Johnnycake Trail
Length 3.6 Km

Bald Eagle
Length 2.9 Km