Olana State Historic Site
Length 2.9 Km
EST - H - HV17h Hudson to Kinderhook - hiking
Length 17.0 Km
This section is part of the Albany-Hudson Electric Trail. Heading northeast past woods, streams, wetlands, farm lands, and small hamlets.
Hudson River Skywalk
Length 4.8 Km
Connecting major Hudson River School artists Thomas Cole and Frederic Church via the Rip Van Winkle Bridge. With sweeping views of the Valley and Mountains, the Skywalk shows off the natural landscapes that inspired Cole and Church’s iconic landscapes.
EST - H - HV16h Olana to Hudson - hiking
Length 10.0 Km
The route heads north for 3 miles, on the shoulder of a state roadway and then passes through Hudson on city streets, providing access to a variety of local services.
Town Park Trail
Length 1.0 Km
Mill Street Trail
Length 0.4 Km
Crown Hill road
Length 0.7 Km
Harry Howard Avenue Sidepath
Length 1.5 Km
Farn Road
Length 0.6 Km
Charcoal Loop Trail
Length 2.4 Km