Red Rock Park
Length 0.4 Km

Flax Pond
Length 3.6 Km
Keep your eyes open for wildlife and birds around the pond. I have spotted turtles bathing in the sun, Blue Herons, Ducks, Geese, Gray Squirrels and other water fowl

Birch Pond Trail
Length 1.4 Km

Goat Path
Length 0.3 Km

Undercliff Path
Length 0.8 Km

Cornel Path
Length 1.0 Km

Tracy Trail
Length 0.3 Km

Breed's Pond Trail
Length 0.5 Km

Jackson Path
Length 0.6 Km

Chicken Soup Trail
Length 0.3 Km

Deep Woods Trail East
Length 1.3 Km

The Wicked Hard Trail
Length 0.8 Km

Old Goat Path (OGP)
Length 0.4 Km

Nick's Path
Length 0.3 Km

Bombshell Trail (Blue)
Length 0.4 Km