Spero Kereiakes Park
Length 2.0 Km

Length 3.6 Km
This is a route in 3 connecting neighborhoods. Richland Way and Cardinal Way are both low traffic, but Hampton Drive connects to a main road (Fairview Avenue) so traffic can be a bit heavier. Cars are very respectful of pedestrians and many people walk the various connected streets of this route.

Lost River Cave trails
Length 3.2 Km
Starts with technical trails: "upper trail" and "blue hole loop" and finishes on "Green ways" paved trail. Starts and ends in Lost River Cave parking lot. First half is well shaded in the forest, paved trail is fairly sunny/ exposed. Wildflowers visible throughout, depending on time of year.

The Loops at Lovers Lane
Length 4.1 Km
the loops at Lovers Lane is a set of 2 walking/running trails surrounding Lovers Lane soccer complex.
The inner loop (0.7 miles) is paved sidewalk-style in concrete. It circles the main soccer fields, with bathrooms and water fountains at the beginning and halfway points of the trail. There are no real elevation changes through this loop. It may have some shade in 5-10 years when the young trees mature, but no shade at this time.
The outer loop (1.6 miles) is a fine-crushed gravel trail that rings the boundary of the park, including the frisbee golf course and outer edge of the soccer fields. It kisses the inner loop along one side of the soccer fields. This trail is about 25% shaded by old growth trees dependant upon time of day.

Railroad Track over the Boot
Length 5.0 Km
Scenic and quiet route on the back country roads. Takes you to a semi busy hi-way where the motorist are runner friendly. That leads you to a set of flat railroad tracks that take you back to the quiet country roads.

Back roads graveyard
Length 5.0 Km
Scenic backroads of Rockfield with many challenging hills passing by an old cemetery on a hill.

Roland Bland Park
Length 1.8 Km