Upper Eagle Falls - Eagle Falls Trail (17E03)
Length 2.9 Km
Floating Island / Mount Tallac Trail (17E33)
Length 15.8 Km
Lower Eagle Falls Trail
Length 0.2 Km
Pyramid Peak
Length 13.8 Km
Although this is not an official trail, the trail is quite well established and easy to follow. Where things get a little tricky, simply follow the rock cairns. Also, the final ascent up the pyramid itself is rocky and will involve some scrambling. Nothing too difficult, though. Finally, elevation gain is 4100ft, NOT the 1202ft shown here.
The main concern is finding the beginning, which is just on the side of the road. The trail starts shortly uphill from the electronic sign on Highway 50 between Strawberry and Twin Bridges. Looking uphill, there is a milepost on the right side of the road shortly uphill from the sign. And the trail begins just across the road to your left.
Eagle lake 1
Length 4.5 Km
Tahoe trim trail 1
Length 7.5 Km
Parking turnout before Pope Beach
Length 9.1 Km
You will pass beaches and historical sites such as, The Pope Estate, Camp Richardson, Valhalla and Stream Profile Chamber. You can take the bike path to the end or stop at several of these sites or beaches. Fall is the best time to go. Could get pretty congested during the summer
Home to Saddle to Heavenly Creek
Length 8.1 Km
Great place to walk/hike/run/Mt. bike. Some small steep hills and some long moderate slopes. Amazing views of the lake and mountains
High Meadows
Length 13.5 Km
Three miles plus up a very steep mountain. At the top you can go straight or turn right to add more mileage and catch different routes
Maggies Peaks - Bayview Trail (17E04)
Length 2.7 Km
Freel Peak
Length 4.9 Km
Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit
Length 2.0 Km
Freel Peak
Length 13.2 Km
Angora Lake Trail
Length 1.6 Km
Armstrong Pass Trail
Length 5.9 Km
Bayview Trail
Length 4.3 Km
Clark Trail
Length 1.4 Km
Cold Creek
Length 0.8 Km
Cold Creek Trail
Length 3.8 Km
Dardanelles Trail
Length 1.9 Km