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Singels Venray walking route map in Venray,林堡省,荷兰
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walking near me on Singels Venray walking route
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Singels Venray

Singels Venray

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路线长度5.4 公里
累计爬升11 米
创建者: Roan


Singels Venray是一条位于Venray,林堡省,荷兰的步道,他的长度为5.4km (大约7,500步) ,爬升高度为11m,难度评级简单 。用Pacer App发现更多优质路线吧!
This is the most popular route of the village I live in, Venray. this route is called the singels because the route goes through 4 streets where the name ends in singel. The north, east, south, and west-Singel. At the locals the route is better known as rondje singels. The route goes through 2 psychiatric terrains for which venray is known. The Saint Anna terrain is no longer in use. In the past nuns nursed psychiatric clients here. The buildings are still there. The other terrain is the Vincent van Gogh terrain. Today, clients with addiction, depression or other mental illness are cared for here. With 5.3 kilometers, this is the perfect after dinner route. A lot of locals run or walk this route in the evening after dinner. Navigating this route is pretty easy: Start at the roundabout at the intersection of the North and East Singel. - Head west at this roundabout. - Go straight at the first 2 roundabouts - Go left at the 3rd roundabout - For the next 4 kilometres take the second exits at the following roundabouts and go straight ahead at all intersections until you reach the starting point again.
Last updated: Mar 1, 2025


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5.4 公里
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11 米
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