Carp Mountain
Маршруты Китай Тайвань ТайбэйНэйху
Гора Карп, Храм Кольца Храма Юаньцзюэ, Тайбэй

Нэйху, Тайбэй, Тайвань, Китай

Гора Карп, Храм Кольца Храма Юаньцзюэ, Тайбэй

Даль3.7 km
Подъем Вверх246 m



Сценические пейзажи

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Крутой склон

Создано mark
Детали Маршрута
Гора Карп, Храм Кольца Храма Юаньцзюэ, Тайбэй это 3.7 km (5 500 шагов) маршрут расположенный рядом Нэйху, Тайбэй, Тайвань, Китай. Этот маршрут имеет перепад высот около 246 m и имеет рейтинг cложно. Найдите больше таких маршрутов в приложении Pacer.
The total distance is about 3 kilometers, including the Carp Mountain trail, the Dagou Creek trail and the Yuanjue Temple hiking trail. We started climbing from the tail of the Carp, the highest point is in the head, and there is a gazebo to take a break. More specifically, along the path, many Lilliputian sculptures, such as the Great Wall, the Presidential Palace, and the highway. We appreciate and recognize these works all the way, and the itinerary adds fun. Going to the bottom of the mountain is Dagou Creek. We turn left to go upstream. The trails are alongside the streams, and the cool water is very comfortable to walk. Along the way, you can see masterpieces of nature squeezing, cutting large stones and rock walls. About 15 minutes , we came to the waterfall area, many tourists rest, chat, exercise or enjoy the venting waterfall under the gazebo. In the third leg, we climbed the Yuanjue Temple from the waterfall area, the cliff on the left, and the stone wall on the right side, which is very challenging. Today's journey has changed greatly. The weather has changed from sunny to rainy. The scene on the path has also changed greatly. From the lilliputian sculptures of the Carp Mountain to the megalithic stones cutting of the nature in the Dagou Creek. The most important thing is that we have traveled through this journey, enjoying the beauty, enjoying the forest bath and getting healthy.
Детали Маршрута


3.7 km

Подъем Вверх

246 m

