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Chih-Shan-Yen Park, Тайбэй walking route map in Шилинь, Тайбэй, Тайвань, Китай
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walking near me on Chih-Shan-Yen Park, Тайбэй walking route
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Chih-Shan-Yen Park, Тайбэй
Шилинь, Тайбэй, Тайвань, Китай

Chih-Shan-Yen Park, Тайбэй

Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star
Даль3.3 km
Подъем Вверх67 m
Сценические пейзажи
Дикие цветы
Исторические места
Тихие места
Живая природа
Без тени
Крутой склон
Создано mark

Детали Маршрута

Chih-Shan-Yen Park, Тайбэй это 3.3 km (4 500 шагов) маршрут расположенный рядом Шилинь, Тайбэй, Тайвань, Китай. Этот маршрут имеет перепад высот около 67 m и имеет рейтинг Легко. Найдите больше таких маршрутов в приложении Pacer.
Chih-Shan-Yen is a hill located north of the Taipei Basin. Mountaineering begins with a hundred-step stone ladder that is challenging. The whole mountain is dominated by rock. The main trails are stone steps, and the secondary trails are connected by wooden bridges, which is ideal for walking. Walking up the hill, you will see a huge tree. It is a 300-year-old camphor tree but still green. It is known as the oldest tree in Taipei. There is a Stone Temple in the northwest corner of Chih-Shan-Yen. Behind the Temple is a huge stone, which is a feature of this rock mountain. Chih-Shan-Yen has a long history. It has a rich variety excavated cultural artifacts, including ceramic, stone, bone, and shell products. Therefore, an archaeological exhibition hall is set up in the park.
Last updated: Mar 1, 2025

Детали Маршрута

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3.3 km
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Подъем Вверх

67 m
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