Маршруты РумынияБухарест
Bordei Park

Бухарест, Румыния

Bordei Park

Даль4.7 km
Подъем Вверх42 m



Общественный транспорт


Игральная площадка

Места посидеть

Подходить для детей

Подходит для собак

Сценические пейзажи


Озеро или река

Создано Julie
Детали Маршрута
Bordei Park это 4.7 km (6 500 шагов) маршрут расположенный рядом Бухарест, Румыния. Этот маршрут имеет перепад высот около 42 m и имеет рейтинг Легко. Найдите больше таких маршрутов в приложении Pacer.
This park is located near Primaverii residential neighborhood (one of the most beautiful areas of Bucharest) and next to its bigger brother Herastrau Park. It has less visitors than Herastrau so it is perfect for a picnic or a moment of peace and solitude, to read a book. This route started at the entrance from the I.S.Turgheniev Street and ended at the same place. The park is quiet and lovely, recently renovated in a modern style (work in progress). With the Floreasca Lake, a small island, a bridge where you can take beautiful pictures, a pier, two pavilions, some interesting pontoons and wonderful views over the lake, Bordei Park proved to be a pleasant surprise. A wonderful natural environement, it looks like a mini delta. If you choose a walk on the edge of the lake, you have to know that the lake cannot be bypassed, so you must return to the same side. Paved alleys and comfortable benches. No stroller ramps. The area for kids is well-equiped. Adults can do sports. Good to know: very close to the park there is the villa where the former communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu lived together with his family for 25 years. If you have time you can visit it before or after a walk.
Список промежуточных пунктов

Начальный пункт

Промежуточный пункт 1

The entrance from the I. S. Turgheniev Street

Промежуточный пункт 2

The first pavilion

Промежуточный пункт 3

The bridge to the island

Промежуточный пункт 4

The pier

Промежуточный пункт 5

The children playground

Промежуточный пункт 6

The island

Промежуточный пункт 7

The La Gondola Restaurant

Конечный пункт

Детали Маршрута


4.7 km

Подъем Вверх

42 m

