Маршруты Швейцария АргауРайнфельден
Gasweg Хлостерс туда и обратно

Райнфельден, Аргау, Швейцария

Gasweg Хлостерс туда и обратно

Даль8.4 km
Подъем Вверх243 m


Нет сотовой связи

Места посидеть

Подходить для детей

Подходит для собак

Сценические пейзажи


Создано Wanderer
Детали Маршрута
Gasweg Хлостерс туда и обратно это 8.4 km (12 000 шагов) маршрут расположенный рядом Райнфельден, Аргау, Швейцария. Этот маршрут имеет перепад высот около 243 m и имеет рейтинг cредне. Найдите больше таких маршрутов в приложении Pacer.
This trail starts on Römerstrasse and ends on the same place it started making it a round trip. At the beginning the trail is flat and easy to walk. Then it leads to Gasweg and enters the forest path which is an easy slope uphill. After the first kilometer the trail turns left to challerenweg, and becomes wide. A small pond can be seen around 1.5kilomerers. The first 3 kilometers is through the forest. Throughout the path is muddy and pebbly and a bit difficult to walk in rainy/winter seasons. Around 2 kilometers the trail leads to 52Steinbruch and after 2.5kileters turns right to Chrützhaldweg. There are many places to sit and the forest is really beautiful with coloured leaves in autumn. At 3 kilometers the forest trail ends and leads to Hagermatt valley. From there path takes left turn to Schofraidbordweg. The view from there is amazing. The trail takes left turn to Bündtenweg before the path leads to Chlosters. The trail takes a right turn after 4 kilometers to 58Leimgrube which leads to a farm and animals like sheeps, Lamas and Donkeys can be seen on right side. From there it goes left to Buchenweg and then leads to 47Oberer Ringweg. After 6.5 kilometers the trail leads to Tannenkopfweg and then Tannenkopfhaldenweg. Around 8kilometrs the trail turns left to Klappermatliweg and which finally leads to the starting point of the trail. The path is stroller friendly only in dry seasons and only big hiking strollers can be used. Throughout the path benches/chairs are present and some picnic spots also can be found.
Список промежуточных пунктов

Начальный пункт

Промежуточный пункт 1

Wood sculptures and benches to sit

Промежуточный пункт 2

The view is beautiful and benches to sit and eat.

Промежуточный пункт 3

Benches and forest area for children to play

Промежуточный пункт 4

Farm animals

Конечный пункт

Детали Маршрута


8.4 km

Подъем Вверх

243 m

