Маршруты РумынияБухарест
Crangasi Park

Бухарест, Румыния

Crangasi Park

Даль3.2 km
Подъем Вверх17 m



Общественный транспорт

Питьевая вода

Игральная площадка

Места посидеть

Подходит для инвалидных колясок

Подходить для детей

Подходит для собак

Создано Julie
Детали Маршрута
Crangasi Park это 3.2 km (4 500 шагов) маршрут расположенный рядом Бухарест, Румыния. Этот маршрут имеет перепад высот около 17 m и имеет рейтинг Легко. Найдите больше таких маршрутов в приложении Pacer.
A park located in Crangasi neighborhood, near the Dambovita river. It can be easily reached by metro (Crangasi station) and by bus or tram. This park is a green place with chess tables, children playgrounds, an area for dogs, small restaurants and a lot of friendly pigeons. There are also some football courts in the park and the Crangasi agro-food market nearby. The main attraction of the area surrounding the park is the largest lake in Bucharest, Ciurel Lake (known as Lacul Morii) with the only island of the city, Insula Ingerilor (The Angels Island). It is an accumulation lake but also a recreation area - water-sports contests, air shows, concerts and festivals were organised on Lacul Morii area. You can walk along the pier and maybe you will see fishermen. Good to know: an aqua park situated close to the Crangasi Park is opened during the summer.
Детали Маршрута


3.2 km

Подъем Вверх

17 m

