Routes New YorkYonkers
EST - H - HV03h The Bronx (Van Cortlandt Park) to Elmsford - hiking

Yonkers, New York

EST - H - HV03h The Bronx (Van Cortlandt Park) to Elmsford - hiking

Length13.6 mi
Elev. Gain301.8 ft
Est. Steps31000
EST - H - HV03h The Bronx (Van Cortlandt Park) to Elmsford - hiking is a 13.6 mile (31,000-step) route located near Yonkers, New York. This route has an elevation gain of about 301.8 ft and is rated as hard. Find the best walking trails near you in Pacer App.
From where Broadway meets West 242nd Street the trail runs northeast, follows the former Putnam rail line into Westchester, then the South County Trail. The rail-trail is park-like and buffered from adjacent development and major roads by dense woods.
Route Details


13.6 mi

Elev. Gain

301.8 ft

Est. Steps

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