From the Vosges to the Pyrenees 04, Pont-du-Tarn - Prat Peyrot
42.4 mi
Elev. Gain
5192.2 ft
Est. Steps
From the Vosges to the Pyrenees 04, Pont-du-Tarn - Prat Peyrot Introduction
From the Vosges to the Pyrenees 04, Pont-du-Tarn - Prat Peyrot is a 42.5 mile (98,000-step) route located near Barre-des-Cévennes, Occitanie. This route has an elevation gain of about 5192.2 ft and is rated as hard. Find the best walking trails near you in Pacer App.
Le sentier de grande randonnée 7 suit approximativement la ligne de partage des eaux qui sépare le versant mer Méditerranée du versant mer du Nord-Manche-Atlantique.