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Tour of the Musegg Wall and its towers walking route map in Lucerne, Canton of Lucerne, Switzerland
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Tour of the Musegg Wall and its towers
Lucerne, Canton of Lucerne, Switzerland

Tour of the Musegg Wall and its towers

Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star
Length2.1 mi
Elev. Gain387 ft
Est. Steps5000
Scenic views
Wild flowers
City walk
Historic site
Steep slope
Created by Hansruedi 🇨🇭

Tour of the Musegg Wall and its towers Introduction

Tour of the Musegg Wall and its towers is a 2.1 mile (5,000-step) route located near Lucerne, Canton of Lucerne, Switzerland. This route has an elevation gain of about 387 ft and is rated as medium. Find the best walking trails near you in Pacer App.
Vom Löwengraben bei der Spreuerbrücke geht es gleich ziemlich steil hoch. Du folgst den Wegweiser zu den Türmen. Dann gehst du beim Schirmerturm die Treppen hoch zur Mauer. Dort hast du einen wunderschönen Panoramablick auf die Stadt. Du folgst der Mauer bis zum Ende der begehbaren Route und verlässt die Mauer beim Wachturm wiederum durch die steilen Treppen. Dann geht man zur Hintermusegg, zu den Tieren und folgt dem Weg Richtung Bramberg in die Stadt. Dort geht man durch die Hertensteinstrasse zum Ausgangspunkt zurück.

Attractions Near Tour of the Musegg Wall and its towers

© Wikipedia © OpenStreetMap


The Kapellbrücke (literally, Chapel Bridge) is a covered wooden footbridge spanning the River Reuss diagonally in the city of Lucerne in central Switzerland. Named after the nearby St. Peter's Chapel, the bridge is unique in containing a number of interior paintings dating back to the 17th century, although many of them were destroyed along with a larger part of the centuries-old bridge in a 1993 fire.

Jesuit Church, Lucerne

The Lucerne Jesuit Church is a Catholic church in Lucerne, Switzerland. It is the first large baroque church built in Switzerland north of the Alps. The Jesuit order, founded by Ignatius of Loyola in 1534, were active participants in the Counter-Reformation, the Catholic fight against the birth of Protestantism.

Spreuer Bridge

The Spreuer Bridge (German: Spreuerbrücke, formerly also Mühlenbrücke) is one of two extant covered wooden footbridges in the city of Lucerne, Switzerland. Besides the other preserved bridge, the Kapellbrücke, a third bridge of this type – the Hofbrücke – existed in Lucerne, but was demolished in the 19th century.

Natur-Museum Luzern

Natur-Museum Luzern or Lucerne Nature Museum is a museum in the Swiss city of Lucerne. It is situated on Kasernenplatz, beside the river Reuss and the Spreuerbrücke. Exhibits in the museum include stuffed animals, minerals/crystals, and insects. The museum is open Tuesday to Sunday and there is a fee for entry.


Tourist Attraction

Barabas Hotel Luzern

Tourist Attraction





La Fenice





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Last updated: Mar 1, 2025

Route Details

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2.1 mi
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Elev. Gain

387 ft
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Est. Steps

Creator Avator
Created by
Hansruedi 🇨🇭

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