Routes Germany North Rhine-WestphaliaBonn
Bonn - Castell and Graurheindorf

Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Bonn - Castell and Graurheindorf

Length4.6 mi
Elev. Gain85.3 ft
Est. Steps11000



Wild flowers

Historic site

Wild life


Off trail

Created by 1malumdieganzeWelt
Bonn - Castell and Graurheindorf is a 4.7 mile (11,000-step) route located near Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. This route has an elevation gain of about 85.3 ft and is rated as easy. Find the best walking trails near you in Pacer App.
Von der Kennedybrücke geht es am Rhein entlang bis nach Graurheindorf durch Natur pur. Enten, Gänse, Reiher, Stehpaddler und Ruderer gibt’s als Begleitung. Ein Stück landeinwärts auf der Parallelstraße passiert man Ministerien, Asylantenwohnheime, die Beethovenhalle, einen Containerhafen, das BaFin, die Graurheindorfer Burg, historische Mühlenreste und schmucklose Wohnsiedlungen - eine verrückte Mischung

Beethoven House

The Beethoven House (German: Beethoven-Haus) in Bonn, Germany, is a memorial site, museum and cultural institution serving various purposes. Founded in 1889 by the Beethoven-Haus association, it studies the life and work of composer Ludwig van Beethoven.The centrepiece of the Beethoven-Haus is Beethoven's birthplace at Bonngasse 20.

Hardtbach (Rhine)

Hardtbach (also: Rheindorfer Bach, Dransdorfer Bach, Alte Bach) is a river of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is a left tributary of the Rhine near Bonn.

Regional Representation of the European Commission in Bonn

The regional representation of the European Commission in Bonn is part of the Commission representation in Germany. The main office is located in Berlin and another regional representation is in Munich. Jochen Pöttgen has been heading the regional representation in Bonn since 2014, whereas Richard Kühnel leads the Commission representation office in Berlin.

Vilicher Bach

Vilicher Bach is a river of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It flows into the Rhine near Bonn.

Klais Orgelbau

Orgelbau Klais is a German firm that designs, builds and restores pipe organs. It is a family run company, founded in 1882 by Johannes Klais senior and is now run by his great-grandson Philipp Klais. The firm is based in Bonn, Germany, and has completed many large-scale building and restoration projects around the globe in more than a century of organ building.

Kemper Werth

The Kemper Werth (also known as auf dem Schänzchen and historically as the Pfaffenmütze) is a promontory in the Rhine at the mouth of the River Sieg, in the northeast of Bonn, in Germany. Formerly a pair of islands, it became attached to the river bank as a result of engineering work altering the confluence of the Sieg.
Route Details


4.6 mi

Elev. Gain

85.3 ft

Est. Steps

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