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VitaHero walking route map in Simferopol, Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine
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Simferopol, Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine


Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star
Length5.8 mi
Elev. Gain150.9 ft
Est. Steps13000
Created by Vita

VitaHero Introduction

VitaHero is a 5.8 mile (13,000-step) route located near Simferopol, Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine. This route has an elevation gain of about 150.9 ft and is rated as easy. Find the best walking trails near you in Pacer App.

Attractions Near VitaHero

© Wikipedia © OpenStreetMap


Simferopol () is the second-largest city on the Crimean Peninsula, and the capital of the (Autonomous) Republic of Crimea. Simferopol is an important political, economic and transport hub of the peninsula, and serves as the administrative centre of both Simferopol Municipality and the surrounding Simferopol District.

Simferopol Municipality

Simferopol City Municipality (Ukrainian: Сімферопольська міськрада, Russian: Симферопольский горсовет, Crimean Tatar: Aqmescit şeer şurası) (officially "the territory governed by the Simferopol city council") is one of the 25 regions of the Crimean peninsula, currently subject to a territorial dispute between the Russian Federation and Ukraine.

Building of the Supreme Council of Crimea

The building of the Supreme Council of Crimea houses the State Council, Crimea's parliament. It is located in the centre of the capital Simferopol, near Victory Park.During the 2014 Crimean crisis, masked gunmen seized the building and raised a Russian flag. Afterwards, the old government of Crimea was dissolved, replaced by government of Sergey Aksyonov.

Kebir-Jami Mosque, Simferopol

The Kebir-Jami Mosque is located in Simferopol, Crimea. Kebir-Jami mosque is a prominent architectural monument in Simferopol and the oldest building in the city.

Simferopol Raion

Simferopol Raion (Ukrainian: Сімферопольський район, Russian: Симферопольский район, Crimean Tatar: Aqmescit rayonı) is one of the 25 regions of the Crimean peninsula, currently subject to a territorial dispute between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. The administrative center of the raion is the city of Simferopol which is incorporated as a town of republican significance and is not a part of the district.

Gymnasium 9 (Simferopol)

The 9th Gymnasium (Simferopol) or officially Gymnasium No.9 of Simferopol municipality Autonomous Republic of Crimea with the profound study of English was organized in 1990 on the basis of a school with a study of a range of subjects in English. It is a general educational institution of academic level, humanities- and linguistics-oriented; it is aimed at a more comprehensive development of the students' intellectual abilities.

The Shot in the Back

The Shot in the Back (Ukrainian: По́стріл у спи́ну, Russian: Вы́стрел в спи́ну) is monument in Simferopol, Crimea, funded by Crimean residents and the Communist Party of Ukraine (KPU) to commemorate Soviet citizens and Red Army soldiers who were killed by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) members during and after World War II.

Taurida Governorate

The Taurida Governorate (Russian: Таврическая губернія, modern spelling Таврическая губерния, Tavricheskaya guberniya; Ukrainian: Таврiйська губернія, Tavrijśka gubernija; Crimean Tatar: Tavrida guberniyası, Таврида губерниясы) or the Government of Taurida was an historical governorate of the Russian Empire.

State Council of Crimea

The State Council of Crimea (Russian: Госуда́рственный Сове́т Респу́блики Крым, Ukrainian: Державна Рада Республіки Крим, Crimean Tatar: Къырым Джумхуриетининъ Девлет Шурасы) is the parliament of the Republic of Crimea. It had previously been called the 'Supreme Council of Crimea but changed its name in March 2014 following a vote by the Ukrainian parliament to dissolve the Supreme Council of Crimea.

Verkhovna Rada of Crimea

Verkhovna Rada of Crimea or the Supreme Council of Crimea, officially the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukrainian: Верховна Рада Автономної Республіки Крим, romanized: Verkhovna Rada Avtonomnoï Respubliky Krym; Russian: Верховный Совет Автономной Республики Крым, romanized: Verkhovny Sovet Avtonomnoy Respubliki Krym; Crimean Tatar: Qırım Muhtar Cumhuriyetiniñ Yuqarı Radası) was a Ukrainian legislative body of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea before the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation in 2014.
Last updated: Mar 1, 2025

Route Details

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5.8 mi
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Elev. Gain

150.9 ft
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Est. Steps

Creator Avator
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