Richard Gahr High School, often simply known as Gahr High School, is a public, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) magnet high school in Cerritos, California, serving grades 9-12. Gahr High is one of three comprehensive high schools in the ABC Unified School District.At Gahr, the plan for all students is graduation and on to college and career, and the teachers and staff believe “ALL STUDENTS CAN and WILL LEARN.” Classes and programs offered at Gahr include English Second Language; College Preparatory; 37 Advanced Placement/Honors Courses; Arts Technology Academy (ATA); AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination); Project Lead the Way – Biomedical Sciences, Computer Science, or Engineering Pathways; and variety of Career Technical Education (CTE) such as Automotive, International Business, Multimedia Communications, Theater Production, and Video Production.