Routes Ukraine Crimean PeninsulaYevpatoria
Evpatoria. Old town and park

Yevpatoria, Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine

Evpatoria. Old town and park

Length8 mi
Elev. Gain114.8 ft
Est. Steps18000

City walk

Historic site

Quiet place


Created by comandante Fidel
Evpatoria. Old town and park is a 8 mile (18,000-step) route located near Yevpatoria, Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine. This route has an elevation gain of about 114.8 ft and is rated as medium. Find the best walking trails near you in Pacer App.
Евпатория поражает своими маленькими улочками в старом городе, смешением различных религий, парковыми зонами. Не верьте тем, кто говорит о том, что в Крыму никакая кухня, она отличная и разнообразная. Здесь очень любят животных. Отзывчивые люди. Очень много семей отдыхает с детьми. Есть даже беседки в центре, где люди культурно отдыхают со своей едой и напитками. Для велосипедистов есть места для прогулок, катайтесь и наслаждайтесь этим Замечательным старинным городом!)


Yevpatoria (Ukrainian: Євпаторія; Russian: Евпатория; Crimean Tatar: Kezlev, Кезлев) is a city of regional significance in Western Crimea, north of Kalamita Bay. Yevpatoria serves as the administrative center of Yevpatoria Municipality, one of the districts (raions) into which Crimea is divided. Population: 105,719 (2014 Census).

Battle of Eupatoria

The Battle of Eupatoria (Russian: Штурм Евпатории (Storm of Eupatoria), Turkish: Gözleve Muharebesi) was the most important military engagement of the Crimean War on the Crimean theatre in 1855 outside Sevastopol.

Juma-Jami Mosque, Yevpatoria

The Juma-Jami Mosque, (Ukrainian: Мечеть Джума-Джамі, Crimean Tatar: Cuma Cami, Russian: Мечеть Джума-Джами) also known as the Friday Mosque, is located in Yevpatoria, Crimea. Built between 1552 and 1564, and designed by the Ottoman architect Mimar Sinan.

Eupatorian Kenassas

The Eupatorian Kenassas is the temple complex of Crimean Karaites (karaev) located in Eupatoria, Crimea. It covers an area of 0.25 hectares and consists of large and small kenesa buildings (meetinghouses), building religious schools (Midrash), charity dining, household courtyards and multiple courtyards (grape, marble, waiting for the prayer Ritual, Memorial).

Yevpatoria Bay

Yevpatoria Bay (Russian: Евпаторийская бухта, Ukrainian: Євпаторійська бухта, Crimean Tatar: Kezlev körfezi, Кезлев корьфези) is a bay in the Black Sea near Yevpatoria, Crimea.


Tourist Attraction

Ворота дровяного базара


памятник Ашик Омеру




Дувановская улица

Route Details


8 mi

Elev. Gain

114.8 ft

Est. Steps

Created by
comandante Fidel
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