Oneawa Hills to Quarry Lookout
Length | 2.6 mi |
Elev. Gain | 1295.6 ft |
Est. Steps | 6000 |
Scenic views
Wild flowers
Steep slope
Oneawa Hills to Quarry Lookout Introduction
Oneawa Hills to Quarry Lookout is a 2.6 mile (6,000-step) route located near Kaneohe, Hawaii, USA. This route has an elevation gain of about 1295.6 ft and is rated as hard. Find the best walking trails near you in Pacer App.
Hike past Friendship Gardens to access the ridge of Oneawa Hills. This is a roller coaster hike that if not cleared can be overgrown with tall California grass. It has great views of kawainui marsh, Kaneohe and windward. It will get your heart pumping with the many up and down hills.
Last updated: Dec 1, 2024