Beautiful, gentle Dusky Leaf MonkeysWhat you when you finally reach the beach after the bridge Tiny footstepsBoat ride home. You have the option to hike back.
Beautiful, gentle Dusky Leaf Monkeys
What you when you finally reach the beach after the bridge
Turtle Beach trail at Penang National Park Introduction
Turtle Beach trail at Penang National Park is a 9.4 mile (22,000-step) route located near Penang, Malaysia. This route has an elevation gain of about 626.5 ft and is rated as medium. Find the best walking trails near you in Pacer App.
This route is part of 2 main hiking routes at the Penang National Park. This particular one leads you to a turtle conservation at an open soft sand beach. The hike to this beach is part of the fun as there are some descriptive stories on signages around. The hike can get tiring at times and depending on rainfall, may be slippery with the amount of leaves covering the trail.
Might be good to bring a pair of slippers for when you reach the beach. The beach has no shade and really nothing to do except chill under the scorching sun and take in the serenity of the view.
The turtle sanctuary is small and shouldn’t be hoarded by a large group. Be mindful and respectful.