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Towneley Park walking route map in Burnley, England
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Towneley Park
Burnley, England

Towneley Park

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Length0.9 mi
Est. Steps2000

Towneley Park Introduction

Towneley Park is a 0.9 mile (2,000-step) route located near Burnley, England. This route has an elevation gain of about 0 ft and is rated as easy. Find the best walking trails near you in Pacer App.
Towneley Hall was the home of the Towneley family for over 500 years but in 1901 it was sold to Burnley Corporation and today is the town’s Art Gallery and Museum, run and owned by Burnley Borough Council. The Collection of oil paintings was built up first through gifts and purchases using money from the rates. In 1908, a purpose-built art gallery was established on the top floor of the north wing. In 1921, an annual income was made available from the bequest of a local brewer, Edward Stocks Massey (1850–1909), to be used 'for the advancement of art at Towneley Hall'.
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Last updated: Jan 1, 2025

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0.9 mi
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