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Athlone-Mullingar Old Rail Greenway  walking route map in Athlone, County Westmeath, Ireland
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walking near me on Athlone-Mullingar Old Rail Greenway  walking route
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Athlone-Mullingar Old Rail Greenway
Athlone, County Westmeath, Ireland

Athlone-Mullingar Old Rail Greenway

Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star
Length27.6 mi
Elev. Gain367.4 ft
Est. Steps64000
Quiet place
Created by PacerGuy_1966

Athlone-Mullingar Old Rail Greenway Introduction

Athlone-Mullingar Old Rail Greenway is a 27.7 mile (64,000-step) route located near Athlone, County Westmeath, Ireland. This route has an elevation gain of about 367.4 ft and is rated as hard. Find the best walking trails near you in Pacer App.
A 42km Greenway running along an old rail track. Pretty boring for 95% of the time but interesting when you have the option of merging with the Royal Canal Way for the last few kilometres which is quite scenic.
Last updated: Mar 1, 2025

Route Details

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27.6 mi
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Elev. Gain

367.4 ft
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Est. Steps

Creator Avator
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