Routes Italy Province of BergamoBergamo
Redona> ColleAperto> Sudorno> S.Vigilio> Ramera> Redona

Bergamo, Province of Bergamo, Italy

Redona> ColleAperto> Sudorno> S.Vigilio> Ramera> Redona

Length9.7 mi
Elev. Gain928.2 ft
Est. Steps22000
Created by Gigi
Redona> ColleAperto> Sudorno> S.Vigilio> Ramera> Redona is a 9.7 mile (22,000-step) route located near Bergamo, Province of Bergamo, Italy. This route has an elevation gain of about 928.2 ft and is rated as hard. Find the best walking trails near you in Pacer App.
Sali le Mura da S.Agostino sino Colle Aperto, imbocca via Sudorno e percorrila interamente aggirando i Colli di Bergamo quando arrivi al bivio di via Fontana (che scende verso il basso) e via S.Sebastiano (che sale) imbocca quest’ultima è percorrila interamente sino a raggiungere S.Vigilio (ad un certo punto suggerisco di prendere via Case dei Moroni che sale anch’essa a S.Vigilio ma è più caratteritlstica). Raggiunti S.Vigilio scollina via Vetta ed imbocca la discesa verso la Ramera attraverso via Scalvini. Circa 3km in discesa tra i boschi e raggiungerai la ciclabile che risale sino a Valtesse zona stadio. Complessivamente circa 15km da metà via Sudorno in piena pace e tranquillità, bei paesaggi e colori. Buona passeggiata a tutti !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bergamo Cathedral

Bergamo Cathedral (Italian: Duomo di Bergamo, Cattedrale di Sant'Alessandro) is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Bergamo, Italy, dedicated to Saint Alexander of Bergamo, patron saint of the city. It is the seat of the Bishop of Bergamo.

Cappella Colleoni

The Cappella Colleoni (Italian: "Colleoni Chapel") is a church and mausoleum in Bergamo in northern Italy.Dedicated to the saints Bartholomew, Mark and John the Baptist, it was built between 1472 and 1476 as the personal shrine for the condottiere Bartolomeo Colleoni, a member of one of the most outstanding families of the city, and his beloved daughter Medea.

Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti di Bergamo

The Accademia Carrara (Italian pronunciation: [karˈraːra]) is an art gallery and an academy of fine arts in Bergamo, Italy.

Bergamo Funicular railway Upper Town - Lower Town

The Funicular Railway Upper City - Lower City (Italian: Funicolare Città Alta), is a funicular railway line in the city of Bergamo, Italy. It connects the historic core of Città Alta (the suspended fortified city of Bergamo built up on a hill) with the Città Bassa, the financial lower city. Built in 1887, it is one of the two funicular lines serving the city of Bergamo: the other being the funicular railway of Saint Vigilio (Italian: Funicolare di San Vigilio), connecting the Città Alta with the hill of Saint Vigilio.

Astino Abbey

Astino Abbey (Italian: Monastero di Astino) is a former Roman Catholic monastery in the Astino Valley, in the Province of Bergamo, region of Lombardy, Italy. It is no longer active. The buildings were restored in 2015.

Sant’Andrea, Bergamo

Sant'Andrea is a Neoclassic church in Bergamo, rebuilt by Ferdinando Crivelli in 1837. On the main altar, is Enthroned Madonna with child and Saints Eusebius, Andrew, Domno, and Domneone, painted in 1536-7 by Il Moretto and a Nativity by Giovanni Paolo Cavagna. Other paintings here are by Palma il Giovane, Enea Salmeggia, Giovanni Giacomo Barbelli, Padovanino, a ‘’Deposition’’ by Andrea Previtali, and others.

Sant'Alessandro della Croce, Bergamo

Sant'Alessandro della Croce is a Baroque style, Roman Catholic church located on Via Pignolo in Bergamo, region of Lombardy, Italy.

Palazzo Moroni, Bergamo

The Palazzo Moroni is an urban aristocratic palace located on Via Porta #12 in the historic center of the upper town of Bergamo, Italy. The palace with its Baroque interior decorations and is a civic art museum, as well as used for cultural functions. The building is presently managed by the Fondazione di Palazzo Moroni in conjunction with the city after a donation by former Count Antonio Moroni.

Museo Civico Scienze Naturali Enrico Caffi

Civic Museum of Natural Science Enrico Caffi (Italian: Museo di Scienze Naturali Enrico Caffi) is a natural history museum in Bergamo, Italy. The museum has more than 55,000 artifacts, fossils, animal and plant specimens. The museum is founded in 1918 and, after multiple moves, is currently located at Piazza Cittadella.

Tempietto di Santa Croce (Bergamo)

The Tempietto di Santa Croce is a small octagonal Romanesque chapel found in the upper city of Bergamo, near the Santa Maria Maggiore. The original building was constructed in the first half of the 11th century, though first documentation of the structure dates to 1133.Other Romanesque structures in the province include the Rotonda di San Tomè, the Basilica di Santa Giulia, and the Priorato di Sant'Egidio.
Route Details


9.7 mi

Elev. Gain

928.2 ft

Est. Steps

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