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The Cypress Wetlands Loop walking route map in Port Royal, South Carolina, USA
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The Cypress Wetlands Loop
Port Royal, South Carolina, USA

The Cypress Wetlands Loop

Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star
Length0.8 mi
Elev. Gain29.5 ft
Est. Steps2000
Places to sit
Wheelchair friendly
Stroller friendly
Kid friendly
Scenic view
Historic site
Lake or River
Created by angeles

The Cypress Wetlands Loop Introduction

The Cypress Wetlands Loop is a 0.8 mile (2,000-step) route located near Port Royal, South Carolina, USA. This route has an elevation gain of about 29.5 ft and is rated as easy. Find the best walking trails near you in Pacer App.
There are several species of birds that call this place home, including herons, hawks, eagles, owls, hawks, geese, ducks and other migratory waterfowl. It is absolutely a paradise for birdwatchers. In addition to birds, regular visitors among cypresses are alligators, turtles and snakes. In Port Royal between Ritchmond and Paris Ave. Very easy for the whole family.The trail is a mixture of pavement and Boardwalk in a circular shape.


Start Point

Waypoint 1

WayPoint Image
the amphitheater

Waypoint 2

Waypoint 3

WayPoint Image
the bird lookout

Waypoint 4

WayPoint Image
from Paris Ave on the left you will find the parking

End Point

Last updated: Feb 1, 2025

Route Details

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0.8 mi
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Elev. Gain

29.5 ft
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Est. Steps

Creator Avator
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