Routes China Taiwan TaipeiNeihu District
Jinmian Mountain Trail

Neihu District, Taipei, Taiwan, China

Jinmian Mountain Trail

Length1.7 mi
Elev. Gain987.3 ft
Est. Steps4000


Public transport

Dog friendly

Scenic view


Created by mark
Jinmian Mountain Trail is a 1.7 mile (4,000-step) route located near Neihu District, Taipei, Taiwan, China. This route has an elevation gain of about 987.3 ft and is rated as hard. Find the best walking trails near you in Pacer App.
Jinmian Mountain is located behind Deming University in the Neihu District. During the Qing Dynasty, it was found that the stone on the mountain was suitable for the construction of the city wall, and there are still mining remains. We started from the trailing edge of Deming University and the slope was steep. On the trail, you will encounter the stone area, and there will be stone steps that can be used to climb the boulder. The Great Rock Wall area is the most exciting section. We must hug the ropes, cling to the stone walls, and carefully move forward slowly and step by step. At the top of the mountain there are still a lot of huge stones. It seems that the giant has played a game of stacked wood here. The view of the top of the mountain was good and the air was fresh. In the autumn weather, sitting on the boulder, enjoying the beautiful scenery and the warm sunshine, is a great enjoyment!

Start Point

Waypoint 1

Qing Dynasty Quarry

Waypoint 2

Big Rock Wall

Waypoint 3

Lunjian Pagoda

Waypoint 4

Rocky Peak

Waypoint 5

Round the mountain trail

End Point

Route Details


1.7 mi

Elev. Gain

987.3 ft

Est. Steps

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