Winchmore Hill Loop is a 3.7 mile (8,500-step) route located near Winchmore Hill, London, England. This route has an elevation gain of about 196.8 ft and is rated as easy. Find the best walking trails near you in Pacer App.
A walk through the green parts of quiet Winchmore Hill. Starting at the Kings Head on Winchmore Hill proceed down Wades Hill crossing over Houndsden Gutter then left onto Houndsden Road and into Houndsden Spinney, a little leafy wood through which the gutter permanently flows. Opposite the end of the woodland track enter Stone Hall Road and on to enter Grovelands Park. Walk through the woodland, following the stream and around the picturesque lake, out of the main gate, across Bourne Hill and into Parkway. Walk to the end of this quiet street with a large triangle green at half way and out on to Southgate High Street leading to the Green and Ye Olde Cherry Tree Pub. Left on to the Mall, across Fox Lane at the end, through Amberley Rd, back across Bourne Hill and into Broad Walk. Walk to the end and back to Winchmore Hill Green with the Kings Head.
A peaceful walk through green spaces, quiet suburban streets and tree lined watercourses.