Rotas Austrália Nova Gales do SulSussex Inlet
Sussex memorial walk

Sussex Inlet, Nova Gales do Sul, Austrália

Sussex memorial walk

Distância2.8 km
Ganho de Elevação10 m




Vistas panorâmicas

Flores selvagens

Local tranquilo


Vida selvagem


Criado por 🦘Shoalhaven 🇦🇺
Detalhes da Rota
Sussex memorial walk é uma rota com distância 2.8 km (4.000-passos) localizada próxima à Sussex Inlet, Nova Gales do Sul, Austrália. Esta rota tem um ganho de elevação de aproximadamente 10 m e é classificada com dificuldade fácil. Encontre mais rotas como esta no App do Pacer.
Elmos reserve is a good place to have a picnic,there are tables, shaded areas, gas grills, children's playground and toilets in this area. The walk goes along the waters edge. It has great views of the Inlet, some wharves which can be accessed for fishing or for viewing schools of fish walk along the waters edge to see great views of the river in both directions. There are seats for relaxing, jetties and a little salt marsh with a track with a couple of little bridges running through it and a sheltered picnic table. Just near here you will usually enjoy lots of bird life, such as black swans, ducks, pelicans and other waterbirds. There are toilets also
Detalhes da Rota


2.8 km

Ganho de Elevação

10 m


Criado por
🦘Shoalhaven 🇦🇺
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