Rotas China Taiwan TaipéDistretto di Shilin
Parque Chih-Shan-Yen, Taipei

Distretto di Shilin, Taipé, Taiwan, China

Parque Chih-Shan-Yen, Taipei

Distância3.3 km
Ganho de Elevação67 m

Vistas panorâmicas

Flores selvagens


Local histórico

Local tranquilo

Vida selvagem


Sem sombra

Subida íngreme

Criado por mark
Detalhes da Rota
Parque Chih-Shan-Yen, Taipei é uma rota com distância 3.3 km (4.500-passos) localizada próxima à Distretto di Shilin, Taipé, Taiwan, China. Esta rota tem um ganho de elevação de aproximadamente 67 m e é classificada com dificuldade fácil. Encontre mais rotas como esta no App do Pacer.
Chih-Shan-Yen is a hill located north of the Taipei Basin. Mountaineering begins with a hundred-step stone ladder that is challenging. The whole mountain is dominated by rock. The main trails are stone steps, and the secondary trails are connected by wooden bridges, which is ideal for walking. Walking up the hill, you will see a huge tree. It is a 300-year-old camphor tree but still green. It is known as the oldest tree in Taipei. There is a Stone Temple in the northwest corner of Chih-Shan-Yen. Behind the Temple is a huge stone, which is a feature of this rock mountain. Chih-Shan-Yen has a long history. It has a rich variety excavated cultural artifacts, including ceramic, stone, bone, and shell products. Therefore, an archaeological exhibition hall is set up in the park.
Detalhes da Rota


3.3 km

Ganho de Elevação

67 m


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