Vale de Jericó - Windy Bush Rd. Wrightstown PA é uma rota com distância 6.1 km (8.500-passos) localizada próxima à Newtown, Pensilvânia, EUA. Esta rota tem um ganho de elevação de aproximadamente 72 m e é classificada com dificuldade fácil. Encontre mais rotas como esta no App do Pacer.
This route goes all around the development known as Jericho Valley. Traffic is never a problem. A nice suburban place to run can be truly pleasant. So I recorded it! Another positive for this route is doing hill work. 4 different hills altogether, 3 included in this route.
This is my neighborhood route. It’s a great neighborhood to run in because the streets are wide and there are plenty of hills to practice on. You can do 6 miles without even going up on Windy Bush Road at all. It’s a lovely neighborhood and I’m so lucky to live here.