Rotas EUA Nova IorqueLake Placid
Região selvagem de altos picos - trilha Algonquin

Lake Placid, Nova Iorque, EUA

Região selvagem de altos picos - trilha Algonquin

Distância15.8 km
Ganho de Elevação1019 m
Detalhes da Rota
Região selvagem de altos picos - trilha Algonquin é uma rota com distância 15.8 km (23.000-passos) localizada próxima à Lake Placid, Nova Iorque, EUA. Esta rota tem um ganho de elevação de aproximadamente 1019 m e é classificada com dificuldade difícil. Encontre mais rotas como esta no App do Pacer.

Algonquin Peak

Lugar, colocar
Algonquin Peak is in the MacIntyre Range in the town of North Elba, in Essex County, New York. It is the second highest mountain in New York, and one of the 46 Adirondack High Peaks in Adirondack Park. Its name comes from its reputedly being on the Algonquian side of a nearby informal boundary between the Algonquian and their Iroquois neighbors.

Adirondak Loj

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The Adirondak Loj (pronounced "Adirondack Lodge") is a historic lodge in North Elba, Essex County, New York. It is near Lake Placid in the Adirondack Mountains. The current facility, located on the shore of Heart Lake, was built in 1927 and is owned and operated by ADK (Adirondack Mountain Club). The Loj property hosts the trailhead of the popular Van Hoevenberg Trail, which leads to Mount Marcy and Algonquin Peak, the two highest points in the state.

Adirondack Mountain Club

Lugar, colocar
The Adirondack Mountain Club (ADK) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1922. It has approximately 30,000 members. The ADK is dedicated to the protection and responsible recreational use of the New York State Forest Preserve, parks, wild lands, and waters; it conducts conservation, and natural history programs.

Wright Peak

Lugar, colocar
Wright Peak is the 16th highest peak in the High Peaks of the Adirondack Park, and is located in the MacIntyre Range in the town of North Elba, New York, in Essex County, New York. Named for N.Y. Governor Silas Wright (1795–1847), Wright is the northern-most peak in the MacIntyre Range, and is known to be one of the windiest peaks in the park, as well as one of the best for back-country skiing.
Detalhes da Rota


15.8 km

Ganho de Elevação

1019 m


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