Rotas Índia Nova DeliLodhi Garden
Jardins de Lodhi

Lodhi Garden, Nova Deli, Índia

Jardins de Lodhi

Distância2.2 km
Detalhes da Rota
Jardins de Lodhi é uma rota com distância 2.2 km (3.000-passos) localizada próxima à Lodhi Garden, Nova Deli, Índia. Esta rota tem um ganho de elevação de aproximadamente 0 m e é classificada com dificuldade fácil. Encontre mais rotas como esta no App do Pacer.

Lodi Gardens

Lodi Gardens or Lodhi Gardens is a city park situated in New Delhi, India. Spread over 90 acres (360,000 m2), it contains, Mohammed Shah's Tomb, Tomb of Sikandar Lodi, Shisha Gumbad and Bara Gumbad, architectural works of the 15th century by Lodis - who ruled parts of northern India and Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of modern-day Pakistan, from 1451 to 1526.

Bara Gumbad

Bara Gumbad (literally "big dome") is a medieval monument located in Lodhi Gardens in Delhi, India. It is part of a group of monuments that include a Friday mosque (Jama Masjid) and the "mehman khana" (guest house) of Sikandar Lodhi, the ruler of the Delhi Sultanate. The Bara Gumbad was constructed in 1490 CE, during the reign of the Lodhi dynasty.

Shish Gumbad

Shish Gumbad ("glazed dome"), also spelt Shisha Gumbad, is a tomb from the Lodhi Dynasty and is thought to have possibly been constructed between 1489 and 1517 CE. The Shish Gumbad (glass dome) houses graves, whose occupants are not unequivocally identifiable. Historians have suggested, the structure might have been dedicated either to an unknown family, which was part of the Lodhi family and of Sikandar Lodi's court, or to Bahlul Lodi (died 12 July 1489) himself, who was chief of the Afghan Lodi tribe, founder and Sultan of the Lodi dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate.

Tomb of Sikandar Lodi

Tomb of Sikandar Lodi (Hindi: सिकंदर लोधी का मक़बरा) is the tomb of the second ruler of the Lodi Dynasty, Sikandar Lodi (reign: 1489–1517 CE) situated in New Delhi, India. The tomb is situated in Lodhi Gardens in Delhi and was built in 1517–1518 CE by his son Ibrahim Lodi. The monument is situated 100 meters away from the Bara Gumbad and the area in which it is situated was formally called village Khairpur.

District Rural Development Agencies

Lugar, colocar
DRDA has traditionally been the principal organ at the district level to oversee the implementation of anti-poverty programmes of the Ministry of Rural Development. This agency was created originally to implement the Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP). Subsequently the DRDAs were entrusted with number of programmes of both state and central governments.

India International Centre

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The India International Centre (IIC) is a well known non-official organisation situated in New Delhi, India. Its foundation stone was laid in 1960 by Japanese prince Akihito, now Emperor, who had come for his honeymoon, and it was inaugurated in 1962 by Radhakrishnan, the 2nd President of India. The founding president of the IIC was Deshmukh, former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India.

Athpula Bridge

Atração turística

Tomb of Muhammad Shah Sayyid


CSIR Vigyan Kendra

Atração turística

Lodhi Garden Restaurant Entrance

Atração turística
Detalhes da Rota


2.2 km


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