Rotas EUA ConnecticutGuilford Center
Guilford Fair Grounds

Guilford Center, Connecticut, EUA

Guilford Fair Grounds

Distância2.9 km
Detalhes da Rota
Guilford Fair Grounds é uma rota com distância 2.9 km (4.000-passos) localizada próxima à Guilford Center, Connecticut, EUA. Esta rota tem um ganho de elevação de aproximadamente 0 m e é classificada com dificuldade fácil. Encontre mais rotas como esta no App do Pacer.

Hyland House Museum

Atração turística
The Hyland House Museum or Hyland-Wildman House is a historic house museum at 84 Boston Road in Guilford, Connecticut. Built in 1713, it is one of the town's best-preserved houses of that period. It has been open to the public as a museum since 1918, under the auspices of a local historic preservation group.

Henry Whitfield House

Lugar, colocar
The Henry Whitfield House is a historic house located at 248 Old Whitfield Street in Guilford, Connecticut, down the street from the town green. This house dates from 1639, having been built just before the town of Guilford was settled. It is the oldest house in Connecticut and the oldest stone house in New England.

Guilford station

Guilford is a regional rail station on the Northeast Corridor, located slightly south of the town center of Guilford, Connecticut. Owned by the Connecticut Department of Transportation, it is served by the Shore Line East service.

Guilford Historic Town Center

Lugar, colocar
Guilford Historic Town Center is a large historic district encompassing the entire town center of Guilford, Connecticut. It is centered on the town green, laid out in 1639, and extends north to Interstate 95, south to Long Island Sound, west to the West River, and east to East Creek. It includes more than 600 historic structures, most built between the late 17th and early 20th centuries, reflecting the town's growth and history during that time.

Griswold House (Guilford, Connecticut)

Lugar, colocar
The Griswold House is a historic house museum at 171 Boston Street in Guilford, Connecticut. Built about 1764, it is a well-preserved example of New England colonial architecture, and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1975. The Guilford Keeping Society operates the house as the Thomas Griswold House Museum.

Thomas Burgis II House

Lugar, colocar
The Thomas Burgis II House is a historic house at 85 Boston Street in Guilford, Connecticut. With a construction history dating to about 1735, it is one of Guilford's finest and best-documented colonial-era houses, standing on property with a documented history to the 17th century. The house was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2000.

Guilford Soldiers Monument


Guilford Town Green


Guilford Volunteer Firefighters' Memorial


Guilford World War II Memorial

Detalhes da Rota


2.9 km


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