Rotas EUA CalifórniaPalm Springs
Earl Henderson Trail

Palm Springs, Califórnia, EUA

Earl Henderson Trail

Distância1.8 km
Ganho de Elevação35 m



Amigável com cachorros

Vista panorâmicas

Criado por Carlos Abrille
Detalhes da Rota
Earl Henderson Trail é uma rota com distância 1.8 km (2.500-passos) localizada próxima à Palm Springs, Califórnia, EUA. Esta rota tem um ganho de elevação de aproximadamente 35 m e é classificada com dificuldade fácil. Encontre mais rotas como esta no App do Pacer.
This is the trail behind Smoke Tree Stables, a bit tricky to find. The trailhead is located at the same place where Garstin Trail starts. You’ll want to take South Palm Canyon Dr head south, left of Bogart Trial and after passing the bridge, left on Barona Rd. This is where you’ll see many locals who like to take their dogs for a walk. Once in awhile you might actually encounter a tour guide on horse back (three to twelve horses). You’ll want to watch your steps, this is the trail, because it the trail with the most horse dropping. This also why you want to start early in the morning because this trail will be 90% if not 100% in total shade if you start at 7 am. This is the trail where you’ll be closest to Palm Canyon Wash which many people aren’t aware is also a trail. There are certain times of the year where there’s water there but most of the time is dry. This Earl Henderson is also the trail where you’ll encounter more Barrel Cactuses. The best time to hike this trail is between October and March. This is an easy hike but becomes moderate when you getting close to Shannon Trail. This trail if you take it all way ends at the Palm Canyon Wash.
Detalhes da Rota


1.8 km

Ganho de Elevação

35 m


Criado por
Carlos Abrille
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