Rotas Suíça ArgóviaRheinfelden
Caminhada do Reno

Rheinfelden, Argóvia, Suíça

Caminhada do Reno

Distância5.5 km
Ganho de Elevação85 m



Transporte público


Água potável para beber


Lugares para sentar

Amigável com Cadeiras de Rodas

Apto para Carrinhos de Bebê

Amigável para Crianças

Amigável com cachorros

Vista panorâmicas

Local histórico


Lago ou Rio

Criado por Wanderer
Detalhes da Rota
Caminhada do Reno é uma rota com distância 5.5 km (8.000-passos) localizada próxima à Rheinfelden, Argóvia, Suíça. Esta rota tem um ganho de elevação de aproximadamente 85 m e é classificada com dificuldade fácil. Encontre mais rotas como esta no App do Pacer.
This is a nice walking trail for family with kids. The trail runs along the river Rhein and covers many parks/Playing areas for kids. The trail starts on the pedestrian way near Baselerstrasse and ends near Alte Saline. The first 1 km is almost flat and the river is clearly visible only after fall season/winter as bith sides of the path is covered with tall trees and bushes. But after half kilometers a small trail runs down to a shallow area by the river where kids can play in the water and is good for picnic. After 1 km a small vegetable farm can be seen on right side and the trail runs down where we can touch/get in the water. There are many areas with steps to get in the water for swimming throughout the trail. The next 1 km, there are some steps to climb up and down the trail which makes it stroller/wheelchair non friendly. After 1.3 km, the trail leads to a private area/Outdoor swimming pool where people can walk only during cold seasons as the swimming pool is closed at that time. In summer the way is closed and people can take another trail that goes around the pool and reach the same trail. After this the trail becomes narrow many times. There are many fishing areas throughout the trail. At around 1.8km the trail is too narrow and steep till 2 km. Around 2.75kms the trail runs through the old town Rheinfelden called Altstadt. This area is stroller/wheelchair friendly till the rest of the trail. From Altstadt if you take a left turn, a bridge to a river island called Inseli can be seen. This is a common swimming area in summer. A small park is also present. The bridge finally leads to Deutschland. But the trail goes straight through the old town. There are shops and restaurants on both sides till 3.2 kilometers. After that the trail leads to Stadtpark where there are many activities for kids and families. In the middle of the two areas of the Park, there is hotel and the trails runs just behind the hotel and its again a private area, but pedestrians can walk freely. After the hotel there is a big swimming area next to the park. After the park, the trail is wide and beautiful view of the river on oneside many houses on other side can be seen. The trail then leads to a housing area and finally enters the alte saline wald/forest area.
Detalhes da Rota


5.5 km

Ganho de Elevação

85 m


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