루트 스위스 아르가우 주라인펠덴
올스 베르거 슈트라 세 투어

라인펠덴, 아르가우 주, 스위스

올스 베르거 슈트라 세 투어

길이6.3 km
고도 높이기152 m

경치 좋은


조용한 장소


풀이 무성한

길을 벗어남


바위 투성이



신호가 약합니다

작성자 Wanderer
루트 디테일
올스 베르거 슈트라 세 투어은/는 6.3 km (9,000-걸음) 라인펠덴, 아르가우 주, 스위스주변 입니다. 이 루트의 경도는 대략 152 m 정도이며, 별점중간 점을 받았습니다. 이것과 비슷한 루트를 Pacer 앱 에서 찾아보세요!!
The trail starts at Olsbergerstrasse and ends on the same pedestrian road making it a round trip connecting Rheinfelden, magden and Rheinfelderberg. First 1 km of the trail is a paved pedestrian road along the main road. The walk starts crossing a beautiful stream. It is flat and easy to walk. Beautiful valleys on one side and the forest on the other side can be seen. The next 1km of the path is through the forest and need to be climbed uphill which is a bit hard. The trail is through the woods with lots of wild flowers and big trees on both sides. It is stroller/wheel chair friendly but the small pebbles and muddy puddles make it a bit difficult to walk. After that the path is almost flat except some areas of the trail with slopes. There are some areas in the forest where the mobile signal goes weak or no service at all, especially after 4kms. Throughout the forest is shady and cool. A lot of insects can also be seen. The chirping of birds and cool breeze makes the walk a relaxing experience. Throughout the trails bench/chairs can be seen to sit and enjoy the beauty of the trail. During autumn season the view is amazing with bright foliages. Last 2kms of the trail is almost straight and downhill. The path name boards can be seen throughout the walk which makes it easier to find the way. The path ends just 200mts away from the starting point which is on the same road.
la L
루트 디테일


6.3 km

고도 높이기

152 m


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