루트 리투아니아빌뉴스 주
Valakampiai의 아름다운 길

빌뉴스 주, 리투아니아

Valakampiai의 아름다운 길

길이7.6 km
고도 높이기43 m



조용한 장소




풀이 무성한

길을 벗어남

그늘 없음


작성자 Jorius Juozapas Tulevičius
루트 디테일
Valakampiai의 아름다운 길은/는 7.6 km (11,000-걸음) 빌뉴스 주, 리투아니아주변 입니다. 이 루트의 경도는 대략 43 m 정도이며, 별점쉬움 점을 받았습니다. 이것과 비슷한 루트를 Pacer 앱 에서 찾아보세요!!
At the beginning you start on a forested road with several expensive houses sprawled around, as you walk along, you will pass several schools and kindergartens as well as go down a hill and find yourself on a road reminiscent of a highway, do be warned that there aren’t any sidewalks, however the local peoples use the grass as a way to walk next to the road. Next you will find yourself on a road down to the river side, as you continue you will find yourself on a riverside walk, at the end of this path you see two beautiful beaches and of course the amazing river Neris, if you come here during the daytime you can enjoy sunbathing & swimming in the river, beyond this nice route you will find yourself back at a road with no sidewalk in sight, but again you shouldn’t worry too much as the locals have walked through the grass ways and made paths for you to walk, as you walk up a hillside you see more expensive houses, later you will come to the beginning of this route. Enjoy!
루트 디테일


7.6 km

고도 높이기

43 m


Jorius Juozapas Tulevičius
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