Start of the route. At the bottom of the stairs near 69th and Yamhill.
Harvey Scott from behind.
Mysterious fog.
280 steps to the top.
Looking towards downtown from sunset ridge.
2 road crossings with minor traffic.
Repose at the top of the route.
루트 미국 오리건 주포틀랜드
Tabor Park Stairs 걷기 / 달리기

포틀랜드, 오리건 주, 미국

Tabor Park Stairs 걷기 / 달리기

길이4.3 km
고도 높이기219 m



물 마시기


앉을 곳

아이들 가능

강아지 가능

경치 좋은

역사적 장소

작성자 johanM
루트 디테일
Tabor Park Stairs 걷기 / 달리기은/는 4.3 km (6,000-걸음) 포틀랜드, 오리건 주, 미국주변 입니다. 이 루트의 경도는 대략 219 m 정도이며, 별점어려움 점을 받았습니다. 이것과 비슷한 루트를 Pacer 앱 에서 찾아보세요!!
At the north side of Mt Tabor park is a set of stairs that takes you to the top in 280 stair steps. A great workout that you can do walking or running as long as you can. At the top is a short loop ( 0.32 mile ) with level ground where you will enjoy mountain views as well as city views, all the while being surrounded by large douglas fir trees. If you would rather forgo the strenuous stairs, you have the option of following roads or paths to enjoy this most beautiful semi-natural park that has so much to offer. At dusk you might hear a whoo-hoo from one of the resident owls. As to the length of the route, and the elevation gain, divide it by four, because we did it four times, oops.
루트 디테일


4.3 km

고도 높이기

219 m


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