루트 스위스 아르가우 주라인펠덴
방출 왕복

라인펠덴, 아르가우 주, 스위스

방출 왕복

길이5.8 km
고도 높이기199 m


핸드폰에 신호가 없습니다.



앉을 곳

강아지 가능

경치 좋은

작성자 Wanderer
루트 디테일
방출 왕복은/는 5.8 km (8,000-걸음) 라인펠덴, 아르가우 주, 스위스주변 입니다. 이 루트의 경도는 대략 199 m 정도이며, 별점중간 점을 받았습니다. 이것과 비슷한 루트를 Pacer 앱 에서 찾아보세요!!
The trail starts on the K497 road and goes around the forest area and ends on the same point Eremitage Rheinfelden making it a round trip. The walk begins at the bus stop and enters Steppbergweg trail on the other side of the road. The walk throught the forest trail is steep and uphill at some points. The trail then turns left to Lärchenweg and then leads to Rosshimmelweg on right. Then it leads to Mareislilochweg and around 2 kilometrs a small pond and a picnic area can be seen. There are many chairs to sit through out the trail. After 3 kilometrs it leads to Neui-Wert-Weg and then to HintererSerbenweg. The trail then goes to Brandweg leaving the forest area and then to Hauptweg leading to the valley. After reaching down the trail goes to 1 Weg on right and then finally reaches the Steppbergweg where the trail started. A small stretch on the 1 Weg is hard to walk or climb as it is too steep. Its really difficult even to find the trail on that area. Instead one can take the 2Weg trail and reach on the same area instead. This small area on 1 Weg makes it difficult to use strollers or wheel chairs.
웨이포인트 리스트



Bus stop/car prk

종료 지점

루트 디테일


5.8 km

고도 높이기

199 m


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