루트 루마니아부쿠레슈티
주 서커스 공원

부쿠레슈티, 루마니아

주 서커스 공원

길이3.7 km
고도 높이기21 m





앉을 곳

유모차 가능

아이들 가능

강아지 가능

경치 좋은

호수 혹은 강

작성자 Julie
루트 디테일
주 서커스 공원은/는 3.7 km (5,000-걸음) 부쿠레슈티, 루마니아주변 입니다. 이 루트의 경도는 대략 21 m 정도이며, 별점쉬움 점을 받았습니다. 이것과 비슷한 루트를 Pacer 앱 에서 찾아보세요!!
One of the most beautiful green spaces in Bucharest, situated near the Bucharest Metropolitan Circus (Globus). Easily reached by metro (Stefan cel Mare metro station) and then on foot. A welcomed piece of nature for the people living in this area. Good for kids, dogs, picnics, jogging, playing sports in the grass, riding a bicycle, yoga or meditation. Many different tree species and benches for resting, nice paths to walk, a central lake with little fishes, turtles, ducks, seagulls (kids are happy to feed them) and a lot of water plants (the Egyptian Lotus is really impressive). Wonderful views. Friendly spaces for dogs. The children playground area is big with a lot of equipment suitable for all ages. There are also special fitness, ping-pong, football and basketball outdoor areas. Some small shops for snacks and drinks at the entrance from the circus. No terraces or restaurants in the park. An amazing place during autumn, when leaves change their color. Definitely worth a visit.
웨이포인트 리스트



Bucharest Metropolitan Circus

종료 지점

루트 디테일


3.7 km

고도 높이기

21 m


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