Dayton, テネシー州, 米国
「デラウェアパーク」はDayton, テネシー州, 米国周辺にある1.4 km(2,000歩)のルートです。このルートの獲得標高はおよそ0 mで、難易度は簡単とされています。これに似たルートはPacerアプリからご覧ください。
Part is located conveniently by Rhea Central Elementary school. It is a flat 8/10 of a mile course however on the course a start and stop. Have been painted for 1 mile and 2 mile segments. Park can you get quite crowded especially in the evening time with basketball soccer and softball players. But makes for excellent morning run.
I only did one lap this morning after work. I will stop here again when I am not so exhausted.