ニューヨーク, ニューヨーク州, 米国
「ジョイスキルマーパーク」はニューヨーク, ニューヨーク州, 米国周辺にある0.6 km(1,000歩)のルートです。このルートの獲得標高はおよそ0 mで、難易度は簡単とされています。これに似たルートはPacerアプリからご覧ください。
This route was taken twice already. Once last week and once this week just a little diff from last time with store experience and show at celebration but other then that the jog wasn’t to bad I was with bear which made the jog count and for my circulation and fresh air. Received some sunlight in eyes and took off my heart for a little while. Sun is always good.
Good for a warm up walk...too short for an efficient workout