Percorsi Scozia GlasgowViewpark
New Edinburgh Road e Viewpark Gardens

Viewpark, Glasgow, Scozia

New Edinburgh Road e Viewpark Gardens

Lunghezza9.2 km
Altezza Raggiunta69 m

Camminata in città

Creato da Graham
Dettagli Percorso
New Edinburgh Road e Viewpark Gardensè un 9.2 km(13.000-passi) percorso localizzato vicino a Viewpark, Glasgow, Scozia.Questo percorso ha unelevazione di circa 69 m ed è classificato con medio. Trova nuovi percorsi come questo nellApp Pacer.
Flat paved walk up a busy road so can be noisy. Viewpark Gardens is worth a visit. There is a car park within the garden’s grounds. The gardens are well laid out and kept in good condition. There is a wide variety of plants and trees both outdoors and in greenhouses. On the road there is a couple of wooded areas you can walk through. One of them is quiet but the other one is quite near the motorway so noisy.
Dettagli Percorso


9.2 km

Altezza Raggiunta

69 m


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