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Sholom Park - Enchanted Forest Trail walking route map in Ocala, Florida, Stati Uniti d'America
Olive Tree Trail
Olive Tree Trail
Walk through the trees
Enchanted Forest intersection
The path through the Enchanted Forest
Mighty Oak with Spanish Moss
Park sign on SW 80th Avenue
Trail map
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Sholom Park - Enchanted Forest Trail
Ocala, Florida, Stati Uniti d'America

Sholom Park - Enchanted Forest Trail

Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star
Lunghezza1.1 km
Altezza Raggiunta8 m
Acqua potabile
Parco Giochi
Posti per sedersi
Accessibile alle sedie a rotelle
Accessibile ai passeggini
Accessibile ai Bambini
Paesaggio scenico
Lago o Fiume
Creato da FF

Dettagli Percorso

Sholom Park - Enchanted Forest Trailè un 1.1 km(1.500-passi) percorso localizzato vicino a Ocala, Florida, Stati Uniti d'America.Questo percorso ha unelevazione di circa 8 m ed è classificato con facile. Trova nuovi percorsi come questo nellApp Pacer.
Sholom Park is located north of Hwy 200 on SW 80th Street. Park hours are 8:00 am to 5:00pm daily. The Enchanted Forest Trail is the furthest Trail from parking and you need to take other trails to get there. All trails are paved and mostly level. The purpose of these trails is to have a quiet reflective walk in a natural setting. The Enchanted Forest Trail is through mostly large pine trees. We had several sightings of hawks along the trail. The trails in this part of perfect for strollers and wheelchairs. Kids are welcome. The park has restrooms with water fountains and plenty of places to sit along the trails.The scenery in this park is second to none in this area of the country.

Lista Punti di riferimento

Punto d'inizio

Punto di riferimento 1

WayPoint Image
Parking bathrooms and water fountains

Punto di riferimento 2

WayPoint Image
Turn right onto Olive tree trail

Punto di riferimento 3

Turn left onto Pergebo Trail

Punto di riferimento 4

Turn right into Prairie Trail

Punto di riferimento 5

Turn left on Enchanted Forest Trail

Punto di Fine


Buenísima y bella, si viene a Ocala no deje de venir a este increíble parque
Last updated: Mar 1, 2025

Dettagli Percorso

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1.1 km
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Altezza Raggiunta

8 m
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Creator Avator
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Pacer Walking App

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