Percorsi Cina Taiwan TaipeiDistretto di Beitou
Giardino fiorito segreto di Guandu

Distretto di Beitou, Taipei, Taiwan, Cina

Giardino fiorito segreto di Guandu

Lunghezza2.8 km
Altezza Raggiunta12 m



Trasporto pubblico


Accessibile ai Bambini

Accessibile ai cani

Paesaggio scenico

Lago o Fiume

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Dettagli Percorso
Giardino fiorito segreto di Guanduè un 2.8 km(4.000-passi) percorso localizzato vicino a Distretto di Beitou, Taipei, Taiwan, Cina.Questo percorso ha unelevazione di circa 12 m ed è classificato con facile. Trova nuovi percorsi come questo nellApp Pacer.
It is reported that the Taipei City Government rented about 4 hectares of farmland from the local people of Guandu Baxian for the landscaping environment, planting various cosmos, zinnia and sunflower. We took the MRT and got off at Qilian and took the small bus No. 21 to Baxian Station. We walked along the banks of the Keelung River to the destination. There are mountains and waters along the way. The destination is really a large sea of ​​flowers. We shuttled and photographed in the 4 hectares of flower fields, and the mountains became a great backdrop. This newly discovered beautiful garden will last until the end of December, and it is a good choice to take a walk on holiday!
Dettagli Percorso


2.8 km

Altezza Raggiunta

12 m


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